Monday, 11 April 2011


So let's get one thing straight: what's "Dodecahedron World" all about? What is a dodecahedron anyway? Take a look at the picture! It's one of the five Platonic solids, whose unique properties were discovered by Plato (hence the name). I am currently writing a fictional story involving the Platonic solids. The story takes place in Old Kingdom Ancient Egypt, not in Plato's time, however. I am absolutely fascinated by Ancient Egyptians and their way of life. I wish there were some way of researching Ancient Egyptian way of life without getting bombarded by 1000 page hardcovers with endless historical data that I don't need to know! I don't want to know which year queen Hatshepsut claimed the throne, I want to know if the pharaoh was called "Pharaoh" by even his own wife, or the likelihood of Egyptians having blond hair. So far I've looked at a few children's non-fiction books, which surprisingly seem to provide a decent introduction to the subject. But I'd love to find a more efficient researching method soon so I can continue writing!

So all that is to be one topic for this blog. I am also very interested in learning as much as I can about the food we eat and how it relates to our over-all health. When I was 15, I had decided to become a vegetarian (not vegan) for a number of reasons: I thought that vegetarians led a healthier-than-normal lifestyle, I wanted to consume less energy (as it takes two or three times less energy to support a vegetarian) and I was in protest against inhumane treatment toward animals. I also think it's going against mother nature to pump livestock full of various chemicals and hormones and then ingest them. Well, I was vegetarian for six months. When I tell people this they say, "Oh, did you miss meat? I would– I couldn't give up my meat."

The truth is that I realized that it was not possible to live a "normal" (and I say "normal" as in "healthy") life by excluding animal products which hurt animals from my diet. The problem was not that it is cruel to kill animals to eat. It was not that each individual person was consuming more energy than was good for the planet. I realized the real problem: Humans are constantly rebelling from nature, "fixing" it to suit our needs and wants. We've expanded our population to well past what is considered sustainable, and then we try and fix all the problems which occur as a result. I had realized that becoming vegetarian wasn't going to fix anything–or rather that I shouldn't try to artificially achieve a healthy diet, but that I should go with what we humans are naturally meant to do. Soon I will explain in more detail what my opinion of the most natural way to go is.

These are my major concerns in life at present. More will surely evolve soon. I expect to post every chance I get and whenever I think of something significant to say on this blog. Hopefully this means more than once a week. Who knows, though–it could end up being every day.

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