Friday 1 June 2012

Protons, electrons...? Or just matter and energy?

Scientists proved the existence of sub-atomic particles: the proton, the electron, and the neutron. And now that is the old view of matter. Since these discoveries, more complex theories have been born: that of quarks, and even string theory, which says that the universe is made up of strings, and nothing else. These strings are like matter and energy in one.

Classic fairy tales tell of beautiful princesses and evil witches, queens, stepmothers, etc. But since then, some stories have explored the possibility that the antagonists just may have had a reason for their behaviour, and so stories like Star Wars – where the evil Darth Vadar is revealed to have once been a grief-stricken child – became infamous. We have grown wiser now, wise enough to realize that the world is not just black and white, good and evil, but rather it is just a bunch of matter with energy. People, plants, animals, rocks, water, the Earth, are all the pieces of the game. The rules of the game require each person to try to win: the source of conflict – or energy.

Therefore the laws of science prove that good and evil only appear to exist, just as an electron appears to exist as a separate entity, when really it may be thought of as a ball of strings of energy. The non-science-believers see electrons and protons everywhere and then get confused when their rules of life break down. Since no one will ever know all of science, this has happened and will happen to all of us.

Monday 28 May 2012

Universal Dollar Balance

Every person has the same number of dollars. By dollars I mean... characteristics that have value. So everyone is unique in that they have a different combination of traits, but they are also all equal to each other. One person might have a five dollar bill, while another person might have 5 loonies. Somebody might have a five-star brain, no friends, and be ugly, while someone else might be spread out in everything (a little smart, a little attractive, a little social, a little deep-thinking, and so on). But this is why I hardly ever feel envy. And I never look at someone and feel super lucky that I'm not them. I'm just another combination of the same number of positive and negative traits, just like anybody else. So next time you look at the guy with his mouth open, asking you how to turn on his camera, you gotta think, "What does this person have to balance out their incredible stupidity?" They might be lucky, athletic, blissfully ignorant, friendly, attractive, happy -- anything.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Newton's Second Law of Life


Force = mass of an object x its acceleration

This law describes how we (as humans and part of the universe) go forward.

Transformed to apply to Success:

Success =  your pre-existing money x your luck in terms of finding a job

OR... Transformed to apply to Life:

Life = your total amount of happiness x your circumstances

Either way these things are a force over which you only have partial control.

Children vs Adults

What adults see:

(sinx + cosx)^2 + (sinx – cosx)^2

What children see:


These two expressions are equal. What do they do to us?!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Friday 25 November 2011


Look around you... look familiar? How much of the stuff around you is yours? Did you pay for most of it with the money you earned?
How would you feel without any of it? Say you planned to go on a vacation, one that lasts for the rest of your life. You're going to start all over again, so that you can purify yourself for life, and start anew. What would you bring with you? People have grown very attached to their belongings, and I for one feel like I couldn't live without them. When I look around and think "There's just too much!" I feel overwhelmed...
Now, when I go away from home for a few days, I'm fairly able to bring a reasonable sized suitcase, knowing that wherever I am, I will be provided with everything I need.
But there are some moments where I find myself just hating every material object I lay my eyes on. I picture myself living without the object and contemplate trashing it for eternity. But the idea of trashing a potentially useful object (it must have been useful at some point or else why would I have bought it and not gotten rid of it yet?) sickens me, as I think about the waste I would be responsible for. Wastefulness bothers me just as much as materialism. How ironic.
By that point, I subtly realize in my conscious mind how different both of these opinions are from each other, and I cannot come to a decision within my own mind. Torn in two directions, what do I do? The easiest thing to do, the only tie-breaker: the same thing I've always done. Why change my ways when what I am doing and have been doing seems to be working just fine and pleases everyone else? So I keep almost every material item I've ever owned.
But now I've just acted against my own previously-self-imposed philosophy. My habit of contradicting myself remains ever-present. I complain about the arbitrary rules of the English language, the failures of most political systems, the inefficiencies found in any or all aspects of life, opting instead for a new way of living life. (I am an aquarian after all.)
When will I be able to mix my binary opposite opinions? How will I become the catalyst for change I know I can be when I don't know exactly what is stopping me from changing?
Maybe this is what maturity means:
1. Deciding how you want to be.
2. Attempting to be that way.
3. Realizing either that you have changed or that you are not meant to change.
4. Finally, stopping trying to fix things, and living (whatever that means).
Hopefully, eventually I'll get through these steps. But there's a chance I never will.
Well, my first step will be to attempt to change my culture's addictive materialism. But before that I must see if I can bring myself to change my own hoarding tendencies.

Saturday 8 October 2011

My favourite quote

"The problem with seeing the world through rose-coloured glasses is you can't see roses. The glasses cancel them out. You just see stems."
~ Demetri Martin